Manic Monday's - Disney Hang overs, getting closure, marriage proposals, and 10% off!

Hello My Lovelies,

As I've mentioned before, my manic Monday's are the days where I share what I did over the weekend with you guys, any new information, anything that interested me, significant things that happened over the weekend. Essentially, I'm just keeping you in the loop of my life!
Let's go ahead and get started with the most important and exciting news that I have to share with you guys! The marriage proposal! Calm yourselves ha-ha, it was not my boyfriend who asked, it was my older brother proposing to his girlfriend! My brother, Frank, and his girlfriend, Sayra, took a trip to London, where they will be traveling throughout Europe and proposed at the Millennium Bridge in London.

This is such an exciting time for him and his new fiance! They have been together for about 7-8 years and he FINALLY popped the question! He was so excited when he was at home and telling us about the ring, where he would propose and sharing the little details. Seeing my brother happy, seeing anyone happy for that matter, is one of the best feelings.

These two are so alike, it's scary but I'm glad that they're finally tying the knot and getting hitched! I absolutely love weddings and so excited to attend! WE'RE HAVING A WEDDING!

So now that the big announcement is out of the way, let's go into the other activities my boyfriend and I did this weekend. Friday after work, my boyfriend picked me up and we decided to go to California Adventures where all our favorite rides are. It was pretty hot and humid plus really busy so we didn't really get to do much but we still had fun. We rode Tower of Terror and California Screamin'. Yes, those are the only rides we rode because it was so busy!  We had a really good time though, I really enjoy his company. We tried to do other rides but unfortunately the lines were way too long and they were closing soon, so we decided to grab some dinner at Taste Pilot's Grill inside of DCA and is next to Soaring Over California. This place is a burger joint, which is pretty expensive lol, and you get to put whatever toppings you'd like, they have a 'salad' bar type thing where you can pick your condiments and toppings to your liking. A burger there is like $10. It was just a regular burger but since my love and were so hungry, we settled.

 Early on Saturday morning, my boyfriend woke up to buy some Jordan's online(if you have a sneaker head for a boyfriend, you know what I'm talking about lol) and woke up at 5 AM in hopes that he could cope a pair of the Air Jordan 11 Low Concords but tough balls for him because they sold out of his size! I'm not going to lie, whenever his size sells out during a release, I feel a little twinge of pleasure that he won't be throwing his money away on another pair of shoes that he won't wear
them because 1.) He doesn't want to dirty them, 2.) They're limited Edition, 3.) Too many people will be wearing them right when they come out so he likes to wear them when the hype has died down. My boyfriend has over 20 pairs of Jordans, just sitting in their boxes, it makes me sad lol I have a lot of shoes but I actually love and wear my shoes out! They're collection dust in the corner of his room, he just likes the gratification of seeing his shoes whenever he likes to. But, boys will be boys and I love this one!

In addition to his shoe fiasco, we got into a little tiff. I'm going to be honest and just let it out for you guys, our relationship is not perfect, it's far from it, but we manage. We don't keep each other happy 24/7 and we do fight. This weekend we had a bit of an argument but to my surprise, it went really well. I will admit, we are still very young, we're only 22. So, this is a difficult time for us to try to understand one another when we don't fully understand ourselves but nevertheless, we make it work. Like every couple on this planet, we fight and have disagreements. The way our fights used to play out would sound a little something like this: "You're stupid, shut up, I hate you, I want to break up." Pretty sad. But, that was the way we used to handle arguments because we didn't fully understand one another. We were consumed in trying to prove that the other was wrong and that they were right instead of seeing things through the other person's eyes. I know I speak for many girls when I say "Yes, I have some insecurities. So what?" Those insecurities can sometimes get the best of me and that's something that I'm really trying to work on. I won't give you every single detail about why I feel the way that I feel but I will give you the gist of it. When my boyfriend and I started dating, he did things that I did not like and harmed our relationship, so I kindly asked him to stop and he obliged. Unfortunately I caught him doing (said no-no) and he lied about it, thus breaking my trust. It's not a feeling I enjoy having burrowed inside of me, but due to the break of trust, I can't help it. So with that being said, I always have that negative cloud above my head when he goes out with his friends that he's doing something he shouldn't be doing and I don't trust him. With that being said, I already have slight trust issues with him and again, I caught him in a lie(A very small lie, but the point is, he lied!) And I confronted him about it and I totally hashed it out with him and told him this his how I feel and why I feel this way and I want to know why he felt the need to keep this from me.  I truly feel that we hit a really big milestone in our relationship, albeit we lashed out at one another at first, but we collected ourselves and changed our demeanor and handled the situation very well. He totally understood why I was upset and hurt(no, he did not cheat on me. Like I said, it was a small lie. But there should never be secrets in a relationship.) We were FINALLY eye to eye with one another and he let me speak, I let him speak, we listened, we resolved and moved on. This is a really big moment for us because the arguments we've had in the past have never gone this way and they usually ended in a big blow out fight. It was a relief to see us working TOGETHER when things weren't easy. I'm sure to many couples, they have felt the same way when they "click" together and work out. I was very pleased with the way things went and from my opinion, I think he was pleased as well. We continued our weekend together in a cheerful mood.

Lastly, Saturday night I came up with the brilliant idea of making Carne Asada Tacos so he grilled up some asada steak and we went to town on those tacos, they were SO delicious and the salsa we had was super spicy but manageable. It was SUCH an amazing weekend. We also got the idea to drink in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and we got pretty buzzed haha. You see, my boyfriend and I are like twins in almost every aspect but when it comes to drinking/alcohol we couldn't be any more different. He LOVES beer and I hate it, I cringe at the smell, taste, and site of it. The reason for it is because I got drunk for the very first time off beer and I had a horrible hang over and that ruined my liking for beer lol. So, instead of beer, I got Burnett's Pink Lemonade!  Burnett's is vodka but it's flavored as pink lemonade. Alone, it's pretty strong but delicious. I did not plan on getting white girl wasted so I mixed it with regular lemonade and I was in business! I got pretty buzzed rather quickly since I never drink. I had a great time, eating delicious food, sitting back and sipping on a cold drink with the love of my life and the beautiful summer weather. I was in a happy place
On Sunday, not much really happened. We stayed at home, laid in bed all day, played with his hilariously clumsy pup, Blue.It really was a great day. night when he was going to drop me off at home, we decided to go eat Korean BBQ at our favorite spot! Luckily, we went on the night when they were celebrating their 20th Anniversary of business and they had a special going on, 10% off entire bill, free drinks all night, and free endless rice! We were in heaven! It has been a while since we've had KBBQ so I was really excited to grub! The food is always good there but we got a really crappy table. It was SUPER busy and I could understand why, but they stuck us in a really small table with a grill that hardly lit and we were sitting right underneath the A/C vent to we were freezing plus our flame kept blowing out! But, the food was still tasty and the service was good aside from being so damn busy! We were happy campers with stuffed bellies! Great weekend with great company! Thanks for reading!


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