Favorite Friday's - SacconeJoly

Hello My Lovelies,

Sorry for the delay on my Favorite Friday's. This week's FF is on the very underrated youtube channel called SACCONEJOLYs. It's an Irish family who have just recently given birth to their second child, Eduardo. Anna and Jonathan Saccone-Joly live in a lovely little city in Ireland named Cork with their 2 children, Emilia (20 months) and Eduardo (1 month) as well as their 6 Maltese dogs named Albi, Sina, Nivea, Nuvula, Bianca, and Theo. I heard about this family a long long time ago when Judy from Itsjudytime and Itsjudyslife mentioned that they were going to Ireland to meet their friends the Saccone-Joly's and feel in love with little Emilia and just HAD to subscribe to them. Their little baby girl is rambunctious, adorable, sweet and hilarious! Their little boy is still too young to truly see his personality but all that I can tell is he's such a handsome boy! 
The family of four will be on a new journey in life that involves moving countries! The Saccone-Joly's are moving from Ireland to England! In the attached video, it shows their recent child, Eduardo, being brought into their family and shows how Emilia takes to her new brother. This family has to be one of my top favorite vlog channels and I'm sure by just watching one video, you'll see why! Take a look, watch them go about their day and tell me that their babies don't make you smile! 


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