Blog Under Construction!

Hello My Lovelies,

As I have promised you all, I have been putting out daily blog posts but unfortunately, I am not happy with the results of what I am writing about. I need to do some brain storming and switch out some days, create a new schedule, come up with replacement names/subjects. I am not content with Tasty Tuesdays as I am not a big foodie person, I find it hard to come up with locations to eat or recipes since I am a habitual person and mostly eat at repeated locations. I also need to come up with a new catch phrase for Wreck it Wednesday and Therapeutic Thursdays. I kind of went out on a limb and hastily thought up of those names and I find it very difficult to pull through, especially for Wreck it Wednesday since it is about thing that have been bothering me and luckily I have been having a very positive energy and no need to "wreck it." 
All in all, I need to revamp my blog, come up with topics that are suited more towards my liking and Week day catch phrases that are easy to write about.
I will be continuing on this week's daily blog posts but starting Monday May 26, I will be taking a leave of absence for about 5 days. Within those 5 days I will be reconstructing the look of my blog and new schedule. Thank you for understanding! :)


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