Cakeface Confessions

Hello My Lovelies,

So I decided to skip on this week's Therapeutic Thursday. Actually, I'm thinking on revamping my daily blogging and categories that I'd be writing about on a daily. Since my earlier CakeFace Confession did so well, I decided to go ahead and show some of my work.
As a disclaimer, I do not associate myself as a makeup artist or "MUA." I simply have a love for makeup and the whole transformational feel of it. I know my skills are not perfect and that I have plenty of room to grow. Please do not be mean and understand that I do not categorize myself as a professional, simply a beauty enthusiast!You can follow me on Instragram @Margieeee92 where you can see my other makeup looks! Also, I need help! I don't know what my viewers like to see or want to see more of? More makeup pictorials? Reviews? Any tips?

Here are some of my best and favorite looks!


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