Manic Mondays - A lot of Alone time ;)

Hello My Lovelies,

First and foremost, Happy Belated Mother's day to all the sexy and spicy mama's out there that are doing the dirty work to taking care of a child and doing the dirty work in bed! We salute you and keep doing your thing ;) If it weren't for you magnificent ladies, we wouldn't have a future on this planet. Your womb is great, your uterus is beautiful, your stretch marks are your battle scars of a badass victory. Congrats to you, mommies. We wouldn't be the people we are today if it weren't for you! 

This week's Manic Monday really isn't going to be anything special. I spend a lot of time being by myself this weekend. Unfortunately, my grandmother got really sick Friday night and my mom had to take her to the Emergency Room. Turns out she had a ruptured hernia and an intestinal obstruction. Saturday at around noon, she had to go into surgery straighten out her obstruction and sadly, I spend this entire weekend away from my mother and wasn't able to spend mothers day with her. But, what I did do for her was clean around the house, I did some of her laundry for her, cleaned the dishes, washed the dogs and cleaned their potty corner. She seemed to appreciate the little things. 
That's pretty much what happened this weekend. I really didn't do much besides watch movies haha. Kinda relaxing! 

I'm really excited for tomorrow because it's mine and my boyfriends "monthiversary." It's going to be our 1 year and 10th month of officially dating! And some of you may ask "what about 'three years of love?" Yes. My boyfriend, Iravin and I have been dating for 3 years but he officially asked me to be his girlfriend almost 2 years ago. So we went a pretty long time dating each other before we made things official. So, I count that year as well so, three years of love still stands! :)


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