Manic Monday's - We got drenched during our first time!

Hello My Lovelies,

It's Manic Monday! That means you all get to read about what I did over the weekend! Well as per usual, I spend my weekends with my boyfriend. He lives about 30 minutes away from my house so we don't get to see each other very often during the week and if we do see each other during the week, it's not for long since he has work the next day, so we spent quality time together on Saturday and Sundays.
Well, for starters.. This weekend is definitely one for the books! We did so many activities this weekend that it felt like a whole month of weekends packed into one lol.

Let me tell you what my weekend consisted of. On Friday, my boyfriend, Iravin, and I decided it would be nice to go to our favorite beach which is Corona Del Mar and watch the sunset. We got there at a perfect time, the weather was nice, the sky was clear, and the day was just beautiful. We walked along the shoreline hand in hand and we met the cutest little dog. We watched a family play with their new baby and dip her tiny toes in the water, we watched volleyball players compete against each other, people body surfing, sailboats scattered the ocean, and we ended up at a secluded little cove where we watched teenaged boys jump off some rocks into the water. It was a perfect day. My boyfriend and I have been having some issues here and there but we are definitely in a better place than what we were in yesterday and Friday was what we really needed. After bickering due to stress on both sides and getting frustrated at each other, we completely broke all levy's and bulldozed through our problems. So when Friday came, we took the opportunity to reconnect and mend each others hearts by spending one on one time in a location where we had our first date at and sat at the same spot we sat when we first told me he had feelings for me. It was romantic, beautiful and refreshing. We really needed a moment to remember how good it was and how good it can be.

Saturday, we had planned on going to Six Flags Magic Mountains for weeks now so we were both really excited to go. He had never been to this amusement park and I haven't been in over a decade. So pretty much, it was almost like it was both our first times. I drove the first half since it's almost a two hour drive from his house, and he drove back home. We had such a great time and I was really impressed on how well he handled the roller coasters. First off, I am a HUGE adrenaline junkie and I love roller coasters. There isn't a roller coaster that I will not go on, so with that being said, I was determine to take on these rides like a champ! The first ride we did was X2. Geez, the line was almost two hours for this ride! But, we finally got on the ride, I was super excited and he was a little nervous since he's afraid of heights. Once the ride started, I automatically knew that I was in for a hell of a ride. The seats on the ride gyrate and spin as the coaster itself is blazing through the tracks. I hated it. I felt so disoriented since the cars are spinning in one direction then in another as the coaster is going in loop-da-loops and zigzagging and banking corners. I LITERALLY got off the ride injured haha. The cars jostle around so much that my shoulders were constantly pounding against my restrains over and over again. I got off the ride dizzy, nauseous, and in pain. It wasn't until a couple minutes later that I noticed that I had HUGE bumps on both my shoulders, broken blood vessels and a bruise was starting to form. It was painful for me to life my arms up but it was nothing too serious. So we ventured on. On our way to find our next ride, we spot an area of the park were kids and adults are laughing and walking away soaking wet, so we were intrigued. The ride was called Tidal Wave. This ride was a "boat" that drops the riders down a super steep drop and splashes into a pool of water causing a HUGE wave of water to splash out onto onlookers. So my boyfriend and I immediately look at each other as if "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and we run to the bridge. We wait for the next boat to drop and we stand in the presise area of the bridge where the most water will hit you. And we wait some more. The next boat drop and I cannot begin to explain the size of the wave that hit us. We were completely drenched from head to toe. We stood right against the current of the wave and we did not expect to get that wet. But hey, it was almost 100 degree's and we were hot! Totally worth it!
Next ride was Lex Luther Drop of Doom. This is were the cool part starts. The wait time outside the ride said it was 45 minutes so we thought "Oh cool! Not that bad, let's do it!" So we wait in line, 30 mins pass and we barely moved an couple feet, 50 minutes pass, we barely made it past the first gate, an hour passes and we're still standing in line. Great. We could have done another ride that was better that this. So my boyfriend and I don't have our phones on us since we don't want to rise losing them and plus, Six Flags now has a ridiculous rule where you HAVE to buy a $1 locker if you have loose articles like sandals/flip flops, backpacks, any carry on's and including their promotional souvenir cups. So stupid. So we didn't have anything on us in the lines. As my boyfriend and I are talking and goofing around with each other, I hear someone in the front of the line shout out "Party of two?!" and I immediately shoot my hand out and they let us cut through the front of the line. We literally cut down about another 45 minute wait! That was the highlight of our day!
The last ride of the day was Goliath. Both our first times on this ride and sadly, we went on such a busy day that we only got to do 3 rides due to SUPER long lines. But, I'm glad we ended it on a good note and Goliath was totally worth it!
On our way home, we decided to stop to get a bite to eat. We got Tommy's Burgers. I absolutely LOVE Tommy's, it is so good. If you haven't tried it out, you must!
Sunday was our relaxing day. We stayed in bed all day, ate junk food, watched Planet of the Apes and it's sequel and napped the day away. It was perfect! I'm really happy with the way our weekend went and I couldn't be more thankful for my boyfriend! He really doesn't get enough credit, thanks babe!


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