Rough riding it through October and praying for a break!

This month has been such a whirl wind of emotions for me and my family. This month for most people means orange and warm toned colored decorations are hung around their homes, the leaves change and fall to the ground to be crunched on, and little children eagerly pick their halloween costumes for the one night a year they beg for candy.. Not me. Not this time, this time of year marks the three year anniversary since I had my surgery (to read about my surgery click here), it also contained a lot of back and forth emails with my dad (whom I no longer have contact with) and just made me rediscover why I made my choice of not speaking to him. On top of that, I'm still struggling to look for a new job, It's really rough out there! And the worst case of all, my mother has found out that she has a cyst on her if that poor woman needed anymore stress and negativity in her life, "god" managed to throw this at her too.
     Aside from the nasty divorce my parents are going through, the never ending struggle of wondering if we're keeping the house or not, my depression, my weight issue, the issues with my relationship, my own health and now, my mom's health. It really is getting to be too much for me to handle and my amazing boyfriend, Iravin truly does his best to sit there attentively and listen to my woes. If it weren't for him, I'd be in a crazy house by now. But, back to the subject. This month has been hectic and I cannot wait for it to be over. I'm no stranger to heartbreak nor am I a virgin to pain yet this time around the devil is rearing his ugly horns right at me. 

     I have to have faith that there will ALWAYS be a light at the end of the tunnel. I have to keep trucking and I'll do it with a damn smile! Wish me luck.

Much love,


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