Wreck It Wednesday - The Pill

Hello My Lovelies,

There has been one thing that's been pestering my mind for about fours now and I think it's time that I come clean. I have been on oral birth control pills for about four 1/2 years now and not for sexual purposes but due to my very irregular and heavy period. During high school, I would have to go home or stay home because my period was so heavy and my cramps were so bad. Each month, I was going to the ER to get put on a morphine drip because my craps were that horribly painful. My doctor got tired of seeing me bruised from the needles and getting fevers from the pain and medicine and she spoke to my mom about putting me on birth control pills, in which my mom was okay with. It seemed like the best thing to do at the moment because I didn't want to keep going to the emergency room my entire life to deal with period cramps. So she wrote the prescription and I got the pills... Let me just say, whoa..
Not only did my cramps completely go away, I got my period like clock work. I could even narrow it down to the exact hour I would get it. It was a godsend! But as the months went by, my body started getting used to the hormones and luckily I was the kind of girl who reacted very positively to BC(Birth control) and it cleared up the little acne that I had and I lost weight! But, my hormones were off the chart. I was sensitive more, cried more, yelled more, got frustrated more and I became nuts lol Eventually, I did have a bigger purpose for the pills aside from regulating my period and that is when my boyfriend came to play. We've been dating for almost three years now and I've been on the pill since being with him. I have to admit that I am a lot more emotional that I used to be, I get irritated at him for the smallest things and that's not like me. I have yet come to the decision if I want to find a non hormonal birth control to help with my period and well...controlling of birth haha. I'm not ready for a child yet and neither is he but it has dawned on me that I need to give my body a break. A couple months ago, my insurance changed the brand of pills I was taking and it counteracted with my body, I actually started to gain weight and I got chubby from the pills :(
I'm not sure if I'm ready or brave enough to get off the pill because I don't know how my body will react or if I'll resort to getting horrible cramps again, but then again, I am tired of putting these hormones inside my body that I don't really need. It's better to be safe than sorry but I just don't know.
I need some advice, any ladies out there have any stories of being on BC and their bodies lashing out? Please let me know!


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