Wreck It Wednesday - Jay Z really DOES have 99 problems!

Hello My Lovelies,

This week's Wreck It Wednesday is going to be about the ever so hot topic dispute between Solange(Beyone's Sister) and Hov. Can we just talk about how calm both Bey and Jay were when Solange was going ape shit crazy on him? Beyonce was straight up chillen up against the wall, staring straight ahead as if this kind of stuff goes down all the time haha
Sadly for us, no audio was recorded so we have no clue what the fight was actually about but, there have been speculations going around that at the MET Gala Jay Z said something "insulting" to Beyonce and Bey just brushed it off while Solange on the other hand did not let it go so easily and was upset that Jay has supposedly said "so and so" about Beyonce or to Beyonce. But, that could all just be a rumor. Another rumor that's been floating around is Jay Z said something to Solange that was pretty insulting to her career..."You won't ever be at Beyonce's level." Who really knows.

As I'm sure many of you have seen on either Instagram or Facebook, there are tons of meme's going around regarding the scuff. Here are some of my favorites.

And my personal favorite.

I'm usually not one to hype up Celeb news or drama but I found this utterly ridiculous. 
Solange was actually used as a scapegoat for Beyonce at the popular music festival called Coachella. 
Solange was supposed to perform but it ended up being all about Beyonce. Reps have stated that they didn't want to call too much attention on "Beyonce's" performance so they used Solange ad the headliner which, no one really knows much about her.

What do you guys think the fight was about? WHO CARES haha


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