Favorite Friday - Favorite Video of the Week

Hello My Lovelies,
Yes, I know that I already broke my promise of daily videos...I'm sorry, but to be honest, I was completely busy on friday and I completely forgot to make time to write, but I'm making up for it and I promise this week will go by a lot smoother! 
Anyway, let's get into Margie's Favorite Friday! So I'm sure a lot of you may have come across this video that went viral last week of Molly Kate Kestner singing her original song she wrote called His Daughter. I have to admit that her singing and words brought tears to my eyes. Her voice is so powerful and rustic that gave me tingles the moment she started to open her mouth. Her song is a story about a girl changing into a woman with some obstacles on the way and her faith with Christ. She belts her soul of into the song that tells the story of how that girl had a troubled childhood, was hurt, grew into bad habits, became pregnant at a young age, giving birth to her son who is her pride and joy, struggled in life, and ends with her on her death bed talking to her son and saying that if there's ever a moment where he feels lost or low that God works in mysteriohttps://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4730305741304045875#editor/target=post;postID=7078549339136749783;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=2;src=linkus ways and changes lives for the better, that is when God brought him into her life and made her life that much better and she knows that He is looking over His daughter.

The song is such a beautiful story of a girl and her connection to God and when all seems to fail, it's just the path He has set out of her and she finally comes to terms that all the troubles she went through were be erased when she had her son who saved her life. If you haven't seen this video or heard the song, you must listen to it right now! It's a definite tear jerker and put me in a good mood after hearing it. I shared her video from her Youtube Channel which is Mollykestnervidz. She is a young song writer and musician that is incredibly gifted, she has many other videos of her original songs on her channel. She's a sensation, the song "His Daughter" has over 4 million views! There is no need to tell you how talented she is, go see for yourself!


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