Favorite Fridays - Should Girls Pay For Dates?

Hello My Lovelies,

I have a question for all of you. Seeing as our society plays major gender roles of how a man and a woman should be, with that being said, should a man pay for the date or should it be split 50/50 since this is 2014 after all? I couple weeks ago I have discovered a youtube channel known as JustKiddingNews where a group of college kids, some youtube/vine/instagram famous people, talk about news that's hot at the moment and I came across this video. Personally, I am an independent type of person and I will ask to pay half on this or that BUT the only exception is if the guy asks first, then it his responsibility to pay. If we've had a couple of dates then I will start to either pay the entire bill by asking him out myself or at least splitting the bill evenly. I know a couple of girls who are totally dependent on a man and expect the man to pay for the entire date that includes, dinner, drinks, dessert, movies, or any other activity they have planned..not okay. But, that is how society has conformed certain people. Some guys are 100% alpha male and HAVE to pay for everything in order to feel masculine. Watch the video and leave your feedback, I'd love to know! 


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