He's MIA!!!

Hello My Lovelies,

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Guess what? Mr. Handsome is travelling for work ONCE AGAIN. This time, he's in Denver, Colorado for two frickin' weeks! Trust me when I say that my heart ached as though he broke up with me when he got out of my car and into that airport.... lol but of course, It's me and I'm just being overly dramatic about things, but it did hurt. So here's what I did in week 1 to occupy my time.

My handsome left on Thursday, the 19th, and that day was the hardest. I dropped him off at LAX (airport) and I went straight to work, had no time to cry and couldn't mess up my makeup, spent 8 hours with a lump in my throat at work and I raced home as soon as I clocked out and bawled my eyes out in the shower. Then I went to to sleep super early in an empty bed, in our lonely bedroom to put me out of my misery lol. Don't do what I did. Be productive.

Day 2: Friday.
I got all the crying out of my system. Since I just got a new car, I'm looking around for cute car accessories. I went to Daiso Japan, TJ Maxx and Target but didn't really find anything. So I went home and bought some Lil Caesar's Pizza and ate the entire thing by myself while I watched episodes of The Office. Again, don't do what I did. BE PRODUCTIVE LOL

Day 3: Saturday.
I spent some time with my mom during the day before I went out to a brewery with some friends and my sister for trivia night! Let me tell you, we SUCKED at trivia night but regardless, it was still fun! We later went to a nearby bar for a few drinks and had some pretty good bar food. I didn't want to make the 40 minute drive back home so I crashed at my moms house.

Day 4. Sunday.
My mom and I spent the entire day hanging out and watching Pawn Stars and Storage Wars. Why are those shows so addictive?! Literally, all day. Then  I made the lonely drive back to my lonely house and slept in my lonely bed. *Sigh*

Day 5. Monday.
I couldn't help myself.... I bought a plane ticket to Denver for this Friday! Two weeks is a long time ya'll. Especially if you're partner has been MIA and busy with work the week prior. So essentially, he'd be gone for three weeks! It was crunch time for him the week before he left so I barely saw him. We had dinner together every night that week but only an hour or two and he went straight to his shop to finish working. He's been busy. Too busy for... erm... couple activities..if you catch my drift.. so we were both on edge and a little "frustrated" at each other when he left. Two weeks without..you know what.. is a long time! So I'm really really REALLY excited to see him on Friday. *wink wink*

Day 6. Tuesday.
I'll make a great wife one day because all I did when I got home was clean. I washed and did laundry, I cleaned my shoes, I picked up around the garage, I cleaned our bedroom and went grocery shopping! Now we're getting it! Only took me a week to feel human again lol

Meh. I miss my dude. 


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