Margie Turns 26!

Hello My Lovelies!

I had a birthday! A pretty big birthday. I turned 26 which means I'm older, wiser and now don't have healthcare coverage through my parents LOL. But, aside from living cautiously until I get medical insurance... being 26 has treated me so well! I officially turned 26 on April 2nd but I celebrated with my boyfriend this past weekend. We spent the weekend partying it up in Gas lamp District in Downtown San Diego. It was such a blast but the hangovers were not. Needless to say, he made my birthday an amazing time and I couldn't have spent it any better.

Now, I REALLY stink at remembering to take pictures of the things I do and the places I go so I don't have many but I did take a lot of Polaroids! (Thanks to my sister for the camera gift!) So I have a bunch of loose photos but not many on my phone but nonetheless, my trip was an amazing time!

Image result for westin san diego
We started our little getaway on Friday. All day at work I was constantly looking at the clock to see if it was time to clock out yet and as soon as 5pm hit, I left my coworkers in the dust with how fast I was out of there! Honey and I hit the road like our names were Jack! (Get it?) Took us about 2 hrs to get to San Diego from where we live, in Anaheim with some light traffic here and there. We checked into the Wesin San Diego which to my suprise was a lot nicer than I had anticipated! My boyfriend boldly asked for an upgrade and flashed his mega watt smile and he actually got us upgraded to a much nicer and larger room FREE OF COST! He's so awesome and a lot braver than I am, I don't think I could ever ask for that without offering to pay lol. So we checked into our room, we freshened up and we got dressed to head out on the town. Now, we're not locals per say but we're close enough to San Diego that we've both been there enough to know the area.
Image result for the livewire bar san diegoFriday night, we took a Lyft ride to a dive bar called The Live Wire, where my boyfriend has been before and highly suggested it. So, off we went. It being my first time I wasn't sure what to expect but to my surprise, the inside looked a heck of a lot better than the outside!The outside looks pretty dingy and unappealing but the inside was beaming with bright red neon lights and bar signs on the wall. Their beer selection was pretty incredible. They carry Pliny the Elder on tap! Pliny is pretty hard to come by in Orange County so we try to indulge whenever we can and we sure did! The music was loud and the place was pulsating with people's energies and conversations. It was a little hard to talk and hear but nonetheless it was pretty great.
We didn't rage too hard that night considering I was tired from work and from the trip down there so we called it a night sort of early(for us) and we went to bed around 2 am.

Saturday morning, we woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed and we got dressed and ready to do some Downtown walking! We were very lucky that the hotel we stayed at was essentially in the heart of San Diego. There were breweries everywhere, restaurants, the beach was walking distance, Petco Park was nearby and Gas Lamp was all within walking distance. It was amazing! I don't think we could have stayed at a better hotel! We drove a bit of ways (not knowing how close it was or we would have walked) to Little Italy where our favorite brewery was at, Ballast Point.
We got some great beer and some tasty beer bites and we talked and talked and just basked in each others company. We talked about our future, our problems, our happiness and our goals and with each beer we got tipsier and tipsier and we spent the majority of our day just hanging out there. We had actually planned to go back to the hotel, nap and then go crazy at the local bars but plans quickly changed when we realized that the hot tub doesn't close until 10 pm so we both ran our the door to go to Target and buy some swim trunks for bubs and some booze and wee sprinted to our room and put on our bathing suits and we jumped right into the hot tub. My currently place doesn't have a bath tub and I'm 100% a bubble bath kind of girl. So I was adamant about either taking a bubble bath or being in the hot tub and hot tub won! Lol We hung out in the hot tub for hours! And we got completely wasted. Word to the wise... "Spiked
Seltzer" is pretty innocent looking but boy does it hit you smack in the puss. We killed a whole 12 pack in a short amount of time and we were both sloshed by the time the hot tub closed. We drunkingly stumbled back to our room and ordered pizza and ravioli, which was pretty fucking amazing! Landini's, if you ever read this, your Ravioli is the tits!
We stupidly did not think of the fact that we needed to check out the next day AND go to the zoo.
Needless to say, waking up on Sunday was rough.

We packed our things, we showered and we got ready to hit the San Diego Zoo!
We were so excited that I forgot to take pictures.
Here, I took a lot of polaroid pictures with the cute Snap Camera my sister bought me last year for my birthday. So I don't have any photos on file for me to share but we did the entire park in 4 1/2 hrs and it was such a great time. We got some beers, we saw a ton of cool exotic animals. We definitely got a bit of color on us since we both forgot to wear sunblock but luckily we didn't burn. I was pretty hung over. Battling a headache on and off the whole time were were there but some water definitely helped! We were both recovering from the night before and tired from all the walking so we saw everything and we went to go find some food! We ended up going to Hash House A Go Go only to find out that it was closed since it was Easter! Duh. We didn't even think of that so we decided to go to a restaurant/bar that I've been to before that has really good food. It's called La Puerta, in Gas Lamp District. I probably had THE best burrito I've ever had n my life. The Surf and Turf burrito was heavenly and I was so stuffed afterwards. That probably was the best meal we had all trip! But sadly, our time was coming to an end and we had to head back home where we dealt with some pretty heavy traffic. We got home around 10PM and I crashed out! 

I was awoken on Monday morning by a plethora pf phone calls and notifications from my friends and family wishing me a happy birthday! I'm officially 26! We didn't have any plans made for my actual birthday so we were really winging it. My boyfriend let me sleep in (thank God!) and when I finally woke up around 10AM, I was attacked with snuggle and kisses and was promptly told to get ready. I physically felt like I ran a marathon. Going on little sleep that weekend, walking the entire zoo, drinking so much, being dehydrated and sore I was in no mood to slap some makeup on my face so I walked out into the world as a newly turned 26 year old as I did the day I was born, bare faced and au naturale! No makeup for me. I put on my comfy jeans, my mocs, my favorite sweater and honey and I made out way to the Packing House in Anaheim. A short 5 minute drive where we had some yummy Shabu Shabu! It was both our first time there and it was pretty delish! Although I wish it was spicier, it was still pretty good. After feasting on some soup and some ice cream, we boyfriend took me car shopping! My babygirl, Suzie, has taken a dump on me and with her being 15 years old...she's due to retire. It's just been a slew of problems with her as of late with first her battery issues, her alternator, the AC/Heater doesn't work, my brakes are awfully loud, some *belt* is loose and she squeals sometimes... lol I need an upgrade! I've head my heart set on Honda for a while, since my family has always owned Honda's, but this time, I feel in love with the Hyundai Sonata. I almost walked away with the keys in my hand but I realized that I should probably not buy the first  car I test drove. So I'm sleeping on it. I'm waiting for the right time and save a little bit more and will probably be writing about my new wheels some time this month! 

Thanks for reading along! Sending good vibes and energy to the universe to be blessed with a healthy, happy and prosperous year on this earth! 

I love all my readers and thanks for coming on this journey with me! 


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