☮ Craigslist Secret Admirer ☮

Hello My Lovelies,

Ever had the excitement of finding out you have a secret admirer? Well, I think that I've finally had my first experience! 
Now, before I get into this please keep in mind that I have no prospect in having any communication with this man nor am I seeking any explanation. I simply want to show my appreciation and that you're gesture was noticed. 

A couple weeks back, my boyfriend and I went to Disneyland after he got off work since our annual pass will be ending soon. We rode our favorite rides and did our quick round before we went home. That following Monday, I was on Craigslist looking for new job postings since I'm currently unemployed. After scouring around the "Jobs" postings, I got bored and ventured to the "Missed Connections" side of Craigslist. I've always been a fan of the missed connections column and found the entries to be so romantic and sweet, some make me cry and I thought I'd take a quick browse since I was already on the website... As I'm scrolling down the page, an entry caught my eye that read "Disneyland 9-13-14 (Indiana Jones Ride)" and I clicked on the title since that's the date I went to Disney. 
Upon reading the entry, I started off with an "aww how cute" which later turned into a "What the fuck.." real quick because to my surprise, this stranger seemed to be writing about...me! I had to reread the entry over and over again just to see if I'm somehow psyching myself into thinking it was for me. Whoa Nelly. Was I in for a shocker!
 This is the exact date and the exact time I went on that exact ride with my boyfriend and wearing the exact outfit he described. Purple tanktop, white ripped jeans and flipflops. I was with my boyfriend who is Thai and I wear a promise ring on my left ring finger. I have curly hair and I have a big ghetto booty and I have one dimple on the right side of my face. I nearly fainted. How weird. How embarrassing. H...how flattering! I never once in my lifetime ever thought that I'd ever have a "missed connection" written about me and to be honest with you, it felt nice! It felt really good that I was appreciated by someone who didn't need to appreciate the way I looked and especially since he doesn't know me. The gesture of him writing this touched me. Gave me an ego boost and made me proud that this chica still got it ;)

I never responded to his post. I don't desire to know who he is or what he looks like. But, if by any means he comes across this blog post and reads this... Hello Stranger, Thank you for giving me my confidence back. 

Needless to say, I HAD to show my boyfriend and get validation that I was not self centered and confusing myself for someone else. Coincidentally, my boyfriend seemed to hold me a little tighter and kiss me a little more often after reading a complete stranger profess his love to his woman ;)


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