We Traded Palm Trees for Pine Trees!

Hello My Lovelies,

It has been quite some time and I apologize for my leave of absence, however, I do come with some exciting news!

This is something that my partner and I have been discussing back and forth on for almost three years now and we've finally bit the bullet and committed to our well thought out plan. We moved! States!
We threw our belongings into boxes, packed our dog and our cars and we trekked over 1,000 miles to the lovely lush land of Oregon and we could not be any happier!

As I mentioned previously, this is something that we have been yearning for for years but it never felt like the right time and it things just didn't work out well so it was constantly being put on hold. We've been to Oregon many times before so we figured that we'd save the money on vacationing and just get a house!

We're now settled in, the last of the boxes have been unpacked, we're getting familiar with the roads and faces and live is starting in a very slow and peaceful manner. Very different than California.
Coming from a bustling SoCal city where it essentially never sleeps and moving to a sleepy little town that has majority of their store fronts close by 8PM was a little bit of an adjustment. However, it was expected and it was very welcome.

To be completely honest, I never really felt at "home" in California. I hated the traffic(traffic every single dat of my life!!!!!) I hated how overcrowded the city felt no matter where I was. It was so loud and dirty (Homelessness was a huge issue in my old city) and it just never really felt like a privilege to live there(I know, I should be grateful and I am but home should feel like HOME!) So when the opportunity for my boyfriend and I came up to make the move to Oregon, we jumped on it!
The lease to our house in California was ending at the end of April, we crossed out T's and dotted our I's and we house hunted, job hunted and we signed for a new house!

It's gorgeous. It's a cute and cozy 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a nice backyard for our old gramps dog, Charles.

We've been in our new home state for about 3 weeks now so we're still brand spankin' new to town but we absolutely love it! All the rain is definitely a shock for us but we're embracing it day by day.

I will be updating soon!


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